Wednesday, January 10, 2007


We would all like to live in a perfect world; no matter how much we may deny it to ourselves or to our loved ones. And we would want it any other way which is the reason why we pursue that never ending dream of getting there. Even though, in the subconscious sector of our brain, we all know that we will never reach it, but we reach to a certain level or degree of perfection that allows us to be satisfied yet still willing to move on.

That level of pursuit is what we call hope.

But the events through our lifetime chase us trying to pin us down by showing us what reality isn't what it always seems to be. And it is our choice whether to accept those factors as an obstacle or as a challenge.

And it is through that choice that we determine the course of our natural existence in this world.

The reason I am mentioning all this is because there are times when you just wake up to the world with a pair of new sense of sight as if the clouds have been erased away by some miracle that you feel that nothing can ever stand in your way.

What's that got to do with anything?

That is exactly how I felt today.


Anonymous said...

life is all about choices and decisions... sometimes we fail.. but then we move on.. if we don't get up on our feet and move on.. we'd be totally lost .. everything around us changes so quickly.. either keep up with the pace or stagger behind.. !

am glad you don't see those clouds.. just make the right decision.. and move on.. with a smile of course ;)

Sleepless In Muscat said...

I'm glad myself to the point that I woke up today from my sleep laughing.

Can you imagine that? I think I was watching a sitcom during my R.E.M. process.

