Wednesday, January 17, 2007

a new Hijri year

In a few days, the Muslim world celebrates the new Hijri year. A year that oversees many mishaps, conundrums, and mistakes not just from the west but moreso from our part of the hemisphere.

You'd normally look back at the past with a smile because you would like to remember the good old times and unfortunately for us, there's not too many moments such as that with us having let Iraq get invaded, Saddam and his aides getting hanged on the very day of Eid Al Adh'ha; Lebanon being torn apart by several political parties that want to take over the controlling majority of the parlimant; and other Arab states arguing over miniscule things such as land sovereignty.

I may be somewhat a pessimistic, but you tell me; what is it that we are congratulating ourselves over? Our embarassing stands to not help other nations when we clearly should? Or our ability to make mountains out of moles in the international sense?

If there was ever a resolution to be made to mark the first day of the new Hijri year, I think it would be to see all these troubles vanish and to see our nations stand as one against all the tyranny, victimization, and un-needed feuds.

That's the vision that we should all aim for, and nothing else matters besides thats.

Happy New
Hijri Year