Saturday, May 07, 2005

Any Day

He woke up one sunny day.

It wasn't his room. Nor his window. But rather a pleasent scent: roses - red.

The eyes flicker when they want to focus. This time they wounldn't stop at all. All around were unfamiliar things. Curtains. Sofas. Tableware. TV set. Even the walls looked grey from anonymoity.

Looking at his hand finally before he tries to get up, he feels a sudden pain in his head. He can't speak either because his jaw has been broken. There's a bloodline that goes from his hand to a bag that holds his blood type.

He turns to his right the doctors are upon him - one holding his legs. Another his arms. He wants to scream, yell. He feels tears coming down in showers from his eyes down his cheeks.

All of a sudden - he's screaming. Screaming from the top of his lungs in the middle of the night. Screaming so hard that it would have probably woken up dead. Screaming so hard yet so silently with your heart running against the wind.

Sips of water.

It was a bad dream.

But it could happen anyday now.

...Any day.