Monday, February 21, 2005

Free Mojtaba and Arash Day!


Sleepless In Muscat said...

Yes, I do really live in Oman.

And there are some Omani bloggers that I do know personally. With their permission, would you like to know their blog addresses?

By the way, where are you from?

Anonymous said...

salam..r u arab shia?

Sleepless In Muscat said...

Yes, I am.

May I ask why you want to know?

Anonymous said...


nothing just to make sure as i got a feeling through ur name(nice one masha'Allah) ur a she3a..and al7mdelillah i am too..

After reading all of your words in here i just would like to say,
as one of the followers of rasulullah wa ahl elbeytihi we should always remember to be patience with any of challenges or problems that may occur into our life cos it is one of the way in achieving the rank of becoming the true servant of Allah SWT insha'Allah..
And indeed wherever we go Allah is always be there for us.But we should know that the difference is..
Allah is always available in the hearts of those who always remember Him for every moment of their life and He is invisible in the hearts of those who always keep forgetting Him.
I pray the best for you and may the light of ahl elbeyt shines upon ur heart and soul always insha'Allah ameen.

May Allah hasten the re-appearence of our awaited saviour Imam mehdi Elmuntazar insha'Allah ameen..

Allahumma 9olli 3la mu7ammed wa 2ali mu7ammed wa 3jjal farajuhum.