Thursday, April 07, 2005

Do you know an idiot?

A friend of mine had caught my attention one day when he mentioned these two websites on the 'net that have something to do with cars and the way people handle them on the road and while they're on the standstill.

Nothing new there, huh?

Well feast your eyes on this, then; the first of these two websites concentrates on crashes made by people who were either drunk or juvenile delinquents behind the wheel on beautiful exotic vehicles. The type only people with big dosh can afford. Check out wrecked exotics.

On another note, if you feel you have the urge to tell someone that you think their parking exceedingly sucks but you really don't know how to tell them, 'I Park Like An Idiot' just might help you out.

It doesn't seem to amaze me that people can come up with the simplest ideas for the worst problems that we handle these days. Never does. Never has.