Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Differences That Break Us Apart Only To Bring Us Back Together Again

I was checking out the calendar two days ago and it showed that the Arabic month of Muharram is up near (well in the calendar, anyway). This reminded me of a conversation I had with a good friend of mine some time ago about a situation he had with a person from the interior questioning his beliefs since my friend is a shei3a and the person who developed the hostile situation was an abadhi.

Now, to clear things before I go on any further, I am follower of the shei3a beliefs since I am born a Lawati under my father's name and tribe. But that does not mean that I have my own set of beliefs that I choose to go by. Therefore, whatever I choose, I choose only because I am free - relegiously and by local law, may I add - to do so. I really don't believe in this mathaheb thing because since the Prophet Mohammed (PBUH) had come to spread the relegion of Islam on this Earth back in older times, there was no such thing that you are a sunni, or a shei3i or abadhi. Back then, it was always that we believe that there is only one God and that is Allah, and that Mohammed (PBUH) is the messenger of God plus that you must believe in the five pillars of Islam.

For all the differences that lie nowadays in civil warfare such as Iraq, or Lebanon or wherever there is such a fued that is ignited because one party thinks that their relegion is more right or rather the right one and that the other is of infidel nature, we should be grateful that these differences - despite the fact that they aim to differentiate between us - bring us together in the aim for the true answers that lie in our minds, relegiously speaking.

Morever, we should take every opportunity to lighten the tension between different parties of mathaheb that don't understand this concept. The most recent Mecca Relegious Summit is a great example on how many political leaders sought to come together and find a solution to what could end up the beginning of the end of a nation's only stance the greatest evil mankind could ever face: himself.

I hope one day that this letter reaches everyone in the Muslim world..