Sunday, November 05, 2006

evolution or devolution?

I would guess everyone's heard from their parents from time to another how things were done in the past days when they didn't have our technological advances in all aspects; transportation; communication; IT; and so on and so forth - right?

But think about this: how far has this made our race - the human race - much more capable to face the unknown for future generations? How far has it made the human race a much more advanced race capable of doing the most complicated of problems that the past 'man' couldn't do?

To answer that question, one must look at this point from both ends; as it cuts both ways.

From one perspective, its made our lives easier by providing far more safer measures of security(i.e.: airport screening), faster, more comfortable transportation levels (i.e.: ABS breaking systems, safety airbags), and taken human kind to where no man could ever dream to go (i.e.: landing on the Moon, overseas robotic surgeries). It has perhaps presented us with better and less complicated solutions to older problems that have defied minds for years.

But on the other hand, it is also slowly and gradually making the mind a redundant tool for the need for research and development (i.e.: basic calculus problems; reading and writing using laptops instead of a regular paperback/hardback book; using the remote control instead of getting up to change the channel); for developing the inner most basic needs for having a life (i.e.: using motorized two wheelers instead of regular sports such as jogging and running); and one day perhaps loose the passion for life at all to a tragic end (i.e.: Japanese robots that simulate animals of which have feelings embedded into their programmable systems) - God forbid.

So the conclusion I am drawing to here is this: do we really owe a big hand of applause to the likes of Bill Gates of Microsoft for developing software that makes us more vulnerable to the world that we will eventually face in the future to be? Are we really a race that is proud of it's technological advances to the point of whereby we can hardly face the fact that while we are gaining as much as the people behind the technology say we do that we are losing a lot more than that of which goes into our favor?

Are we really advancing at all?

Choice is yours..