Tuesday, November 14, 2006

'online experience' doesn't qualify

I was searching through the 'net for topics that would turn the engine wheels inside my mind for a topic on my blog. And I was flicking through the online pages of the Oman Tribune of news headlines until my eyes stumbled upon the top centre red highlighted bar that had many categories including 'jobs'.

I thought to myself; Hell, why not?

As I read through the web page of online newspaper in that section I was astonished by this few words:

Candidates with online experience only and magazines need not apply.

So basically this newspaper wants people to work for it but doesn't want individuals who have had 'online experience' - say for example: bloggers. That seems a bit odd, doesn't it? When the people behind the web in their blogs are considered to be 'unofficial reporters' of what goes on in their countries through national eyes and not through some internal media giants propaganda machine idealist's mind.

So, that would mean the whoever would employ such an individual would not only have experience at speaking of events that truly shake the people's mind and an expert at truth and playing around with words in an aim to win the audiences approval over an article, but they would also be an asset to the newspaper because they would not be afraid of tackling debatable, controversial and heated discussions.


Link: Oman Tribune 'Jobs' online section


Anonymous said...

I find that totally unfair! because there are professions like writting, drawing or singing that need skills more than education or degrees. Infact most people in those professions don't have a degree and they are highly productive and respected.

Sleepless In Muscat said...


That's exactly what I am trying to point out with this post. It's just ridicilous how they undermine the minds of the net to be of any use