Saturday, February 25, 2006

The straight method on a curvey path

I can't seem to think straight at all anymore. One day it's this or it's that. And when things happen, they are either good or bad. And when they are good they happen all of a sudden to me. The all of a sudden, I am washed away by a sudden wave of black omens, sticky bandits, and other bad luck oriential hunk-a-who.

I can't seem to tell what is right and what is wrong. I can't seem to decide what to do and what not to do. I seem to make decision based on impulses that I regret later on, and those that I don't take up the chance on I end up losing an opporunity on.

I wish sometimes I was just reborn.



Sleepless In Muscat said...

mimi: thanks for the comforting words..but alas..that's all they are - words. And words can hardly cure one's ailing disease..
