Sunday, February 26, 2006

The Tale of Love

So what's left that's not been said?
The life I live is not what I expect to take

The tale of love
Of passion
Of hope

The rythem
That bounces
That floats with such gloat

I find myself upon a stream
That leads me to a pot full of empty dreams

The one I once found that I thought it would be hope
The one I once found and thought it would change my future with all it's gold

And now, a poor peasant such as I
I walk, I roam the streets that I cross by

I look at the people who hold hands in hands
I look at their faces, I feel pain, as I glance

I look on further, to see my Angel fly away
Along with her hopes
Along with her dreams
Along with what she plans to make of her life, one day

I stand there
For an answer
For some kind of sign from above
I reach out my hand
To the Heavens that lie above

And as I pass on my pain
That fill up my viens with such agony
I feel little paddling raindrops
Falling one by one, down on me

I look up, sky high
With it, I barely make out a smile
The rainbow will come out after the rain
But until that day, I await my answer as I pray for my pain to go away