Thursday, August 02, 2007


I have to apologize to every single one out there for giving out false information which I thought was genuine at the moment of receive.

I had posted earlier that the proposed holiday for the Islami celebration of Al Israa' Wal Mi3raj was going to be this Saturday. Therefore, giving hope based upon false pretences.

Hence, I ask that you forgive me for this errata that I have made and I would - in turn - be more careful to what news I bring onto my blog.

Again, my sincerest apologies..


Amjad said...

Sleepless, you didn't give any false information. You just didn't clarify in your post which Saturday is the holiday, whether this Saturday or the 11th of August.

The holiday is there and would be on Saturday the 11th of August. In your post, you didn't mention any date, you just said Saturday and didn't clarify which Saturday. That's why I left you a comment there to clarify whether it's Saturday the 4th of August or Saturday the 11th of August.

Amjad said...

It's more like you gave incomplete information.. not false one!

Sleepless In Muscat said...

Thanks, Amjad.

I appreciate your understanding.

Abdullah Al-Bahrani said...

You will be happy to know that I took that information and ran with it, asking people what their plans are. Obviously, many think I have lost it especially since I insisted that it was a holiday.

Nevertheless, I still find the blog a reliable source of information.

Sleepless In Muscat said...

Per Your Request:

I'm sorry to hear that. You have my apologies for my mistake.

Abdullah Al-Bahrani said...

no need for that, I was being facetious.