Saturday, August 04, 2007

a change in the outline?

A lot of the bloggers have gone offline now in the sense that they have stopped posting on their blogs.

But does this mean that the trend of Omani blogging is at a decrease or this is merely a temporary state that only exists in the summer?

Some bloggers have promised to come back online quite soon because they are under pressure from work or life issues or perhaps even marriage and the commitment they hold to such a relationship whilst keeping it a reality.

But there aren't enough Omani bloggers around to change that much of a scene, in the sense of that they blog from the Sultanate of Oman and only because they would mostly be Omani. I could enlist a huge list of people who have stopped the habit of posting on their blogs voluntarily and without announcement but that would be unethical as I hardly known any of them let alone to feature them without their permission.

But the online trend in the Omani lifestyle is set to grow at an unprecentended rate in the future sooner or later because there is rise in awareness of how I.T. can be used to the advantage of our population which mostly is under the age of 40 years old.

So, I ask again - is this what we should expect in terms of bloggers from now on or will there a change in outline?