Monday, January 22, 2007

moving on

Moving on isn't always that easy, no matter whether you're pulling to stand up on your two feet after a bad relationship or a health crisis or even losing your job.

It's a phase that everyone on this Earth has and will go through.

Unforunately, nobody tells us how to deal with it because each case is exceptional on it's own. With that considered, there is only one way to deal with it; that's by going about it on your own and facing the world all over again - no matter what the challenge may be.

True, the ride will be rough; and yes, you will have no one to guide you this time, but that's the sheer beauty of it - self-learning. It is perhaps, and without a doubt, the best way to harness your experience to result into confidence. Confidence you need to get through what lies ahead.

And you know what they say 'what doesn't kill you, only makes you stronger'.

Need I say more?


Anonymous said...

seems to be the best completion for the previous post which to be honest made me .. speechless.. looking for the right words to say but .. end up speechless...

even if the two issues were not related; yet what you wrote here makes a lot of sense. In self learning the probabilities of many errors are high; yet i believe the transormation and the consequences are worth it.

Although we might seem to be lonely or alone; yet if we focus we'd find a lot of guides around us.. whether it was our heart, mind, soul, senses... it just needs stenght, patience and commitment..

at least that is what i believe in..

Sleepless In Muscat said...


really? I had no idea... mmmhmmm. Must think of this as an advantage to be used in the future to come.

And yes, you're right. It does seem to be one way or another like we are losing out to our live incomparable and uncontrollable factors that set about to change our destiny from time to time but when we actually focus on what our goals are then we forget all the pain, we forget all the sorrow and begin living in the happiness of the hope of what is to come.

Sex and Dubai said...

Oops didn't mean to rip off your quote in my earlier comment. Great Minds Think Alike - I guess ;)