Friday, January 05, 2007

where would I be?

If there is echo to sound
If there is a whistle to the bending trees
If life was without bound
And no seagulls on the seas' beach
..Then where would I be?

If there was lightening beyond the clouds
If the sun would ever rise
If my eyes could not be opened after tonight
And only dreams would I live in for all my life
..Then where would I be?

I've asked for this night a million times
I've seen what I've seen all my life
I've been where I've been
Tried every taste
Lived upon every dream
And yet..

To this night
To this day
To this very moment where my emotions tumble and sway

To this very hour
To this very minute
To this very second that I live within as I live and breath

I have no clue
No idea
Just the hope
A pursuit
A notion
A smile within my heart
A boost within my soul

The diminished horizon is now clear
The clouds that were once are no longer there
The life that is in front of me I can see
I can face
I can now find a trace
To the long lost hope where the wind came through a window oh so brisk

But if all hope is gone
If love was just labor torn and lost
If sunrise was never born

Then, tell me..


Where would I be?