Friday, February 02, 2007

me and my mood

I try to always surround myself with a positive surrounding in order to be a more happier person everytime I go out and sit with my friends so I don't ruin the overall mood. But you can't always have what you want and there are times when life just turns your day upside down for one reason or another and it is up to you to keep as a mole or to make a mountain out of it.

And that's what happened to me.

I have been trying my best to keep my problems as much as I can far from being blogged on this here blog so I don't sound as sad as I am since I mainly have no social life of my own apart from the place where most the people know where I hang out here in Muscat. That, and also the reason of having to focus on world as well as local issues that are of interest to me and possibly to you folks.

That being said, I am in somewhat a sad mood for one reason or another that I just wish I could find someone to blurt it out all to, but won't because I am not a 'snitch' type of person.

I only wish that the problem that I am facing would just leave once and for all in no time at all. But, if children need to crawl before they can walk and run; then I would need to wait a little longer for my problem to dissolve throughout time, I suppose.


Abdullah Al-Bahrani said...

Im sorry to hear that your mood isnt on the right track.
It seems like your writing has opened new doors, and maybe you should focus on that and not what isnt "right". I dont know what your problems are, but remember that life is 10% what happens to you, and 90% how you react to it.
I hope things turn around soon.

DoTs... said...

there are children who don't really "need" to crawl to walk.. ;)

remember the poem where you said it won't let it get to you? read it.. it might lift your spirits.. and if writing would make you feel better then write and save it as a draft.. but the quicker you try to solve the problem the better you'd feel.. sometimes we just need to be patient .. do whatever we can in order to solve the problem.. and then.. just let the miracle of "time" does the rest... patience.. strength.. and "endurance" is what you need.. of course a bit of smiles ;)

i am sure whatever the issue you are going through you must have went through something worse .. 9a7? be optimistic !

Sleepless In Muscat said...

Per Your Request:

Thank you for your concern, I feel a lot better now.

ps: Happy 26th birthday :o)

Sleepless In Muscat said...


Thanks. I did something similar to that and I just jotted it down. I will be posting it later on, inshallah.