Tuesday, July 19, 2005


I thought I would tell you what's on my mind
I was this close yesterday to taking my life
I had a notion to take an overdose and die

But then I stopped myself and told myself that that would be a cowardly thing to do
The people who love me won't pray for me, won't grave me, they'll be so angry they'll throw stones on my tomb

I then thought of you
I saw an image of you smiling
That gorgeous smile you have

And I was like
God. Oh, God.
I wish you were here because you would truly understand

I picked myself up from the pieces shattered on the carpet floor
The ones that I imagined myself making so I could rip apart my veins in case the pills didn't make the call

I stood up, head high
I had only one thing on my mind
You and only you, even if you never want me ever in your life

I would cut myself a break and start all over again
The pain I feel now will be gone someday
Because I will fight it with all the courage I have in my soul
'Cause I know, sometime, someday
That if I don't take care of it, it would eat me from the inside - raw

update: these are just conjured up words nothing more nothing less..


Noors said...

~update: these are just conjured up words nothing more nothing less..~

That'a good to know...

I hope your new ideas are coming along fine!

Sleepless In Muscat said...

errrmmm....what new ideas would those be Noors?

Noors said...

lol you know the trip and the masters. You've already talked about it in your last post, so I can see that your plans are working just fine.:)

Sleepless In Muscat said...

ooooohhhhh, thooooooooooosssseeee plans....

he he he

yeah .....they are..

i'll need all the support i can get for them