Monday, July 18, 2005

Today's plan

I plan today to go to Starbucks MQ and stay there and it's closing time. I would bring my laptop with me for music or some major inspiration that would come down on me.

Why MQ and not Shatti?

The place is far quieter than the one in Shatti and I need a quiet place these days because of the headaches that I am having.

I could pop into Shatti for maybe 30 minutes tops but that would be it. After that it starts to get crowded.

Ow, my head.


Noors said...

Yeah the MQ one isn't crowded during the weekdays.

I was there today, lol, needed the coffee before going back to the hospital.

I hope you're feeling better.

Sleepless In Muscat said...

what time where you there? i got there by 7:30pm...

Noors said...

lol I was there at around 4 or a bit after. 7:30 I was almost done studying!

Sleepless In Muscat said...

