Friday, July 29, 2005

things to blog about

there are definitely things on my mind that need to be thought about. personal things. and before anyone gets excited and shouts out "i told you so!", read on before you embarass yourself.

why should it matter that there is such a day in my life that i dedicate to think about some serious matters that really need looking into? because when you're in my shoes (and they're clean, too) you get to do that a lot.

matters like life, the present and the future and how the past was and what choices i had made to get to this point. matters of the heart. seasoned love spells or happily ever after? money choices. bank overdraft or bankrupt? where i stand in education or a career. health wise - will i live to be 1099 years old?

not that it matters to anyone who reads this; so why should i bother blogging about it?