Wednesday, March 15, 2006

LIVE: whose in?

Well, I had the interview and everything and it went very well - I have to say.

In case any of you had missed the chance to listen to it you can listen to the recording on Thursday (tomorrow) at 2:15pm Oman local time.

Another topic that was discussed after the show was the matter of srufacing the issue of blogs and Omani bloggers. And it got very interesting that Lakshami Kothanat, the wonderful person who had interviewed me for my books thought it would be a good idea to interview some Omani bloggers and see what they're really all about.

The proposed date of the interview would be on the 29th of March, 2006; this, again, should be a Wednesday. In case you're an Omani blogger and you're very much interested into having an interview conducted with you, please email me on this address or just leave a comment on this topic and I'll get back to you.

I think they'll probably need some 4 maybe 5 people to have the interview with.

Let's hear it - whose in?


muscati said...

Sorry dude, I'll pass. I can't stomach the thought of being interviewed by Lakshmi. Her accent and the way she (and all other radio presenters) never prepare for their interviews really get on my nerves. Good luck to whoever's going.

Sleepless In Muscat said...


sorry to hear that man..