Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Question for everyone out there

Here's a question I give to every foriegnor out there whether you're residing in the Sultanate of Oman or outside the vecinity of the country.

If I were to drop into your country as a tourist or whatever it is I could be and I was to do a shameful thing like perhaps having sex in public or entering into a woman's bathroom would I not get into trouble because of this? Could I not face the possibly of being evicted because of such a felony?

If your answer is yes. Then tell me how the hell is it that you or either your teenage children getaway with it in our country where laws are a bit more tighter in the sense of seperation between genders, relegiously speaking?

Would the law not apply on them too or perhaps on their parents? Or is it because they are mere minors it's an excuse for not punishing them and waving away the charges? Or perhaps, because they are foriegnors of a so and so nationality then they are not held by the local laws?

You tell me what justice implores to be implied here..