Thursday, March 02, 2006

The Pink Panther (again)

Twentieth Century Fox had blew it with The Pink Panther movie that was recently released with odd French accent from actor Steve Martin, who although added a pinch of comedy to the cartoon/movie franchise was as good in French as George W. Bush is in making foreign policy speeches.

Beyonce Knowles, as dazzling as she was, was used for a mere eye-candy role, along with her musical talent which added a nice touch to the movie's soundtrack along with the late Henry Mancini's original movie/cartoon theme that gave the franchise the fame and the coolness of our fine Pink Panther friend.

All in all, it is a good watch. Nice if you would like to have a laugh and not interested in a big plot. It could also be categorized as a family movie.

But don't rush out buying the DVD; that's my five cents..