Saturday, December 24, 2005

Disturbing & Thought Provoking

Last night or the night before, I had stumbled upon a web blog that had a subtitle in inverted commas which read "There is no god". It was a basic mockery of all relegions. And I gathered this much from reading about it in the first few lines, that this person was an Aethiest.

Believe he may want to believe. And he has the right to do so, and no one in the world has the right to tell him to join one religion or another. He alone has to make up his mind.

But besides the issue of the quite disturbing image left by that subtitle of having a person not believe in a higher being than any created lifeform in this universe which basically takes into their hands the matters which none of us would ever be able to come to comprehend - therein the subtitle, lies a certain fault.

For if one is to believe that there is no God, then, truth to be told, how on Earth would they even acknowledge the name? Or perhaps the being itself, higher power or otherwise?

It is an improbable idea to think that there is no God. For anyone who denies such a truth is clearly more blind than a blind man himself.

The facts are all around, and you don't need a nuclear scientist to tell you this. The fact that there are mountains that hold the world's weight to such a balance. The sun and the moon setting and rising at different but precise times. Gravity is a fact too. All the beings on this Earth and any lifeform on other planets in solar system light years away, if any.

Denying the existence of God is like denying yourself the freedom to breath. You are choking yourself to death by merely stating the unsayable.

History has also shown us that throughout time, God has always helped mankind and His prophets Peace Be Upon Them in correcting the wickned nature that turns humanity against itself and into a vicious cycle of devestation.

Aethiesm as such is not freedom of will. It is a jail card with you behind the bars for eternity and the keys thrown away for good.

Don't indulge yourself by even thinking of the idea.


. said...

Good one, nice writing.

Sleepless In Muscat said...

x: thanks.. ;o)