Wednesday, August 31, 2005

A Lot Like Love

Don’t even get me started. Enough about love already.

Why did I even watch it? Because I was drawn to it. That and the fact that I had to because I bought something like 19 DVDs from Malaysia and they’re just stacked upon each other waiting for me to reach out, grab one of them so it could be watched.

It was recommended by a person (which is yet another reason why I watched it) and the recommendation came quite strong plus the fact that I like ‘chic flicks’ (who would’ve thunk?).


Now I feel the need to share this with someone special...


Paulo said...

How about sharing it with the person that recommended the movie?!
Why did you watch it? I think a reason you forgot is that you really enjoy Love (that's what it seems from all the posts I've read)
I haven't seen that movie yet..