Thursday, August 25, 2005

Thank you: From Birth to Existence

I'd like to say to the world a few things here..

Thank you for not being there when I needed you to comfort me.
Thank you for always doubting in me and shudding my eyes from the truth that needed to be known.
Thank you for not sharing your emotions with me and making strategic moves to open up past wounds over and over again at night before I go to sleep.
Thank you for not answering my prayers.
Thank you for showing me that you really don't care about pitifull soul like me.
And last but not least, thank you for bringing me to this point of self destruction..

From this point I no longer sign myself off as the ever naieve, ever witting, nice character Ghosty but I will be known as The Prowler


Paulo said...

Don't turn your back on the world even if the world has turned it's back to you.. fight back! But try to keep a bit of that niceness too!
The way I see it try to find a balance between Ghosty and The Prowler, nice and bad..
Maybe someday you'll write: Thank you World for this happiness I have. I trully hope so.