Sunday, September 04, 2005


Thirteen is no longer considered a bad omen ..

After all, there are 13 months in a year (if you can't the month you go off on a honey moon); 13 February also comes before the 14th of that month which we all know and recognize (apart from Kuwait and KSA) as Valentine's Day; 13 is the number of mobile phones that I am aim to change from now until I am 40 years old - lol; and 13, ladies and gents of the cyber audience, happens to be the Himoglobene level of my blood today when I went for my hospital check up..

To every action there is an exact oppisite re-action..

I stand here today because I went through all the shit that I have been through and I survived, that's what I count as an achievement. Not my academic score; or my poetry; nor the number of years that I have lived on this planet. It sort of makes you feel stronger and more powerful knowing that if you pursue excellence it will turn into a habit in all strands of life..

And this is just the beginning..


Sowhat said...

i dont belive in number 13 :) actually i dont belive in bad omens :)

wo thirteen is nice for haemoglobin :)

by the way .. alot of kuwaities ( same as omanies ) do celebrate Valentine :)

Sleepless In Muscat said...

yeah.. but the Islamic authorities discrouage the promotion of the occassion..that's what i meant to say ..