Wednesday, September 21, 2005

A Tale to Tell

Don't make fun of this post please.

Today I had a met a person whom I know who has been having a rough time. She was having pains in her abdominal area and such; and I had asked about her every now and then because me and her are quite close in a limited way.

Anyhow, she was still in pain when I asked about her last week and I had advised her to see the doctor because I suspected that she could have something such as mine although not as complicated.

As it turns out, when I saw her today, she wasn't her cheerful self. I felt that there was something wrong but she was reluctant to say but I pushed on for the answer because I wanted to get whatever it was off her mind.

She went to the hospital as advised; talked to the doctor. The doctor said that there was nothing wrong with her. But the Omani nurse working there had an idea of what could have been paining this young woman.

And her hunch was right. She was 2 months pregnant without knowing in addition to using anti-pregnancy pills. And as she had already been taking injections for her pain earlier on in this period, plus other medication, she had to abort it.

I had to hold myself from within so as not to cry in front of this brave woman who although losing an unborn child, had the courage to stand up and surrender whatever happened to God.

I was deeply sympathetic to this young woman. I felt like actually giving her a hug of support so I could probably to reassure her that she wasn't alone in on this.

I told her to gather her reports around the case and write a letter to the Ministry of Health quoting what had happened. It was totally irresponsible of that doctor to let her go like that.

Thank God for that Omani nurse.