Sunday, April 09, 2006

A Dream To Be

You go back every night at that same hour almost everyday
You smile away your pain to everyone as you wave your hands away
You get into your car
You turn to see
Is there someone following you
Would someone ever dare?

As you drive on, you look at the moon
You think to yourself over and over again, is it too soon?
And I think to myself, are you thinking of me, as I am?
Are you seemlessly daydreaming of where we could reach one day?

Life is but a dream to be achieved
Trying endlessly to move on to goals, realisticly

So you tell me; am I chasing a dream?
Or am I chasing a dream to be?


flamin said...

as usual, this is beautiful. it's commendable how to write poetry everyday. i just can't and i can't remember the last time i wrote one. not sure where my inspiration is.

Arabized said...

im not huffing or puffing, you have talent ali!

Im a true fan of literary works, and you're now on my list of people to watch, because seriously its great.

I for one, have no literay talent. I'm just an avid reader and appreciator. haha.

. said...

I have a dream myself,
I try to achieve it
but everyday
I see no one likes it.
No One adopts it,
It's becoming a nightmare sometime, but
I'm patient.


Sleepless In Muscat said...


And as usual, you're just too generous :P

Thanks ;o)


ok.. if you insist..maybe one day if I make a tour of my poetry books in the GCC then we would bump into each other, inshallah :o)


Nicely written bro..

thanks for commenting, too

keep that tapwater running! :P