Sunday, April 09, 2006

When Are You Going to Give?

There are everyday things that cause your feelings to move way beyond imagination can ever try visualize. These 'everyday things' could be the environment you live in. The life you live. Your basic every day-to-day lives. Or perhaps just a change in your mood.

No one should ever consider that day to be a bad day. Simply because you have it better than others around the world who are in a far worse situation than you are.

There are people in Africa who cannot find food or drink or even shelter for themselves and their starving families. Africa is now mostly a drought area.

People should give.

Asia and the South Pacific are now what they call an exploding time-bomb due to the immense rise of births and much lower rate in deaths because of the advancement in medicine and technology.

People should give more.

The Americas are now being tagged as a regular 'natural disaster area' because of high potential of hurricanes in 2006 than that of 2005 as predicted by weather forcasters earlier on this year.

So the question lies with you.

Do you still think you are in bad situation right now?

And if not; when are you going to give?

Donate to any charitable fund in your country, area, district - you could help make a change in someone's life. Be that through physical, social, financial help or even guidance. It doesn't take a leader to do the right thing, it's the right thing that leads us to do what's right.


Nostalgia said...

That is so true and touching.I mean all the time we say "oh what a bad day and bla bla"but basically its not that bad if we consider the situation in other parts of the world. It brings more happpiness in life when u help others.and that is why we are in this world to help each other in times of pain and misery.So i totally agree we shud help we shud help others as much as as we can.:)It brings a sense of satisfaction in life!

Sleepless In Muscat said...


yes...and it's amazing that the world focuses more attention on the need for destruction rather than that on the need for construction and basic welfare...

what shame..