Thursday, April 13, 2006

Letter of Passion

Walking the streets of another Rome
Where cold winds meet and gather memories, unknown
Pair by pair, men are turned into dust
The Devil's lair, the fabled trust

Sign the letter of passion
With the blood of pain
Regular is the unwinding tail of two cities hearts
Who is to blame?
Cast the beggars and peasants into the streets
Cast into their nightmares, not dreams
Cast into a world of dark shadows
Cast into a life that's filled with doubts

'Save me, dear sir', I hear a call
An old man reaches out a hand, haunting, is his nature, and cold
'Save me from the beast of time'
'Of where life begins with lie'
'The lie you believe'
'The deceit you trust'
'The agony that spins beneath'
'Where passion is disguised as a pain in thrust'

Of where does the story end?
Of where does the soul starts it's journey's end?

Land of life and anonymity?
Lie after lie, do you not care for me?

A single red rose withers away
Withers with the life it used to spread
Waved into the winds that bloomed it's very past life

This red rose was for you, m'lady
Now it is dead
As you have called my love for you, tonight


Arabized said...

touching, emotional and so sad.


i'm still claiming to be your fan, once again, a great poem.

Sleepless In Muscat said...


Thank you very much..

you're about the only one who seems to be commenting on my poems on my blog..