Monday, April 03, 2006


Wonder why the sun shines every day?
Wonder why the wind breezes the way it does everyday?
Wonder why the beach is so beautiful for walkers to walk it's way?

Wonder why the sky is so blue?
Wonder why children often cry when leave for kindergarden school?
Wonder why Mom and Dad still think that their most spoilt son will one day pull through?

Wonder why the grass is often green?
Wonder why women fake a smile over a sadness they try to conceal?
Wonder why love is as much passion as it is torture, like a soul, in a body, it leaves?

Wonder why you smile at me this way?
Wonder why you ignore me when I look at you at times?
Wonder why you seem to confuse me in your most mysterious ways?
Wonder when and if when that you should say anything to me that would lift me up some day?


flamin said...

I love your poetry :D But there are small changes:

1st Stanza, Line 3:
IT'S --> ITS

2nd Stanza, Line 2:
leave --> leaving
kindergarden --> kindergarten


Sleepless In Muscat said...


thanks for the compliment.

thanks for also pointing out my errors in my poetry, although i was aware of it but didn't have the chance to correct them.


flamin said...

hehehe anytime. NO LAZINESS IN POETRY :@


Anonymous said...

i thought it was perfect.

shame u dont remember why though