Thursday, April 27, 2006

Pretentious Perfection

We can never claim in our lives ever that it is perfect by every sense sicular manner nor in the sense of satisfaction in every aspect. Mainly because we all know that nothing in life is perfect - ever.

But it is the imperfection that we deal within our daily lives that leads us to this perfection. We could be having such a tedious day of work, worries, and financial problems, yet the one thing that gives that overwhelming oblivian that everything is just fine, is us coming to a nice cosy bedroom we retire to, sit within our own four walls to have an evening's quite of solitude.

There is nothing in life that could bring us to the demeaning vicious cycle of having to take our own lives (at least in my depressed times) than having a day where there is a permanent black cloud over your head where-ever you may go.

Our options could be seen as choice and could be seen as obstacles. We have it within ourselves to turn things to our advantage if we only understand the signs. That could also interpreted into perfection by some individuals.

A perfect life isn't always when you find the woman/man of your life and live happily ever after. Its where you keep a certain balance of the signs that stable your connection to the world that surrounds you, whether you're married or not.

In two words, I call that; pretentious perfection.