Sunday, April 16, 2006

Stop The War..

The gruesome General smiles along the battered unpaved way
The child cries of hunger, thirst and shelter or even a cave

The rattled disease beyond the sands
The power within man's hands are beyond comprehend

Live and let live, for death is a mortal's path and not for you to begin the end

For life is a flower as it will bloom one day

Purple, maroon or fire
Green lands will come once again

But war, is an illetrate man's game to gain power - but to what end?

Stop the war..


MJ said...

My younger brother had to write a haiku about war last week so everyone at home was brainstorming, the results were scary and the one he used in the end was horrible.

Sleepless In Muscat said...


I keep hearing that term every now and then...what is a Hiaku?


MJ said...

It's a form of poetry that first was used in Japan, it's all about syallables, usually 5,7,5. Most are written about seasons and such. That's what I know about it, you can search...

Sleepless In Muscat said...


Ok.. thanks you've enlightened me to a new form of poetry that I would like to try out..maybe in the future..
