Friday, July 14, 2006


I have to start on changing the way of looking at life through the looking glass. And I will. I will become more positive. I will become someone else.

I am going to join up in a fitness centre nearby where I can go there after work so I can get myself into shape now that I have the cash to support such an act. After feeling good about yourself is what makes you positive in the first place, right?

And that's just one act. I have to learn to appreciate life the way it is instead of asking my 'why not?'

Things don't change on their own. And if there's one thing that I have learned from work it's the need for an initiative.


flamin said...

i'm smiling as i read this. u couldn't have said better. u couldn't of thought of doing anything better!

Sleepless In Muscat said...


its just a simple thing that's related more to life than it is to our careers that we should value more than anything...

well, almost

flamin said...

...but it's the determination ali. i need to find mine somewhere.

Sleepless In Muscat said...


that's something for you to find out on your own. My determenation is to live to become a very well known writer...