Saturday, March 10, 2007

clothes do not make the man

I am constantly asked on what nationality I hold.

There was a time when I considered to be Russian or a Philippino because of how my face looks or the way I always dress in western clothing. To me it doesn't matter to me what people think of me in that matter.

But when they hear that I am an Omani and take a glance of clothing they're startled since the only Omanis they know or are aquaintances with are those who wear the traditional Omani dress, namely; the dishdasha.

Here's where I draw the line.

To me, it shouldn't matter if you're of a specific nationality but not wearing the national dress just as much as not to show whether your support for the national football team just to show your national pride - because - in the first case - anyone who wore a national dress were considered to be a national then foreignors would also be wearing them, too. And in the latter case, if national pride was measured by how much we show support for our national football team, then there would be ultimate chaos in the country - more worse than the rattle and rumble that happened not to so long ago in the 18th Football Gulf Cup.

To me, national pride is in your heart and how you react towards different surroundings that affect the direct environment that is around you and not measured by the clothes you wear.


Amna_a said...

The Gulf region (or most of it anyway) should really change their perceptions.

I always get dirty looks from other Emaratis because I don't always wear the national dress when I go out.

It's really not the clothes you wear, it's how you feel inside.

Anonymous said...

I live in Europe. The Netherlands to be excact. In Europe, people distinguish themselves only by their language. Not by their cothes. For me, clothes are a way to express yourself and your style, but not a way to show your nationality.

Before I first came to Oman, I knew that omani men wear a dishdasha and omani women wear a burka.
Thinking about this being the common omani clothes, I was surprised when I first saw an omani man without a dishdasha.

But I agree that doesn't make him any less omani.
To me, nationality is indeed in the heart, not in the clothes.

weirdgoat said...

I'm sorry to say, when I first met you I had no idea you were Omani.
Although I guess you had no idea I was either...

Sleepless In Muscat said...


I totally agree with you on that. There is a lot mix-up between tradition and religion, too, in the region.

starbucks rembrandt:

you found the blog. lol. must have been all that coffee you had earlier on!

but yes, it is no way related to what nationality you are - nor should it ever be. times have changed.


that was your perception of me when i lured you to talk about 'my character' and you thought i was an expatriate - no surprise there - but i knew you were an Omani right from the start.

Anonymous said...

I am not surprise, when here in Oman, you either got mixed up with filipino or Indonesia even though you are not!!!

Sleepless In Muscat said...


That must be the most ridicilous comment I have ever read and probably the most racist, too. Yes, I hang out with these type of people. But my crowd gathering isn't limited to them.

And as far as I recall, we were all human beings when God made us in the beginning. Wouldn't know about you, though.

Keep your racist comments to yourself, please.

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