Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Prince of Persia: Ghost of the Past

And yes. It's been finally announced by Ubisoft that the new next-generation game in the new trilogy for our beloved Prince of Persia is going to be dubbed Prince of Persia: Ghost of the Past.

Don't ask me where they got the name from or why or who or when. The point is that this game is due to come this September. So, people get your PS3s rumbling and those joysticks toggling.

Here's an excerpt from IGN about the game:

"The plagued prince returns in his first next-gen adventure. Ubisoft has planned a number of adjustments to the series, with a new design for the prince, a new armored gauntlet with incredible powers, and a renewed focus on platforming and physical challenges rather than fighting.

This game has been confirmed as a title in production, but exact platform releases have not been confirmed. Please check back for official info."

The artwork is similar to the soundtrack trilogy pack and can be found on



- Blogger's entrance: At nine, I was in love with a prince

- Prince of Persia: Ghost of the Past

- IGN: Prince of Persia Next-Gen [Untitled]