Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Birds of a flock..

I just hate it when you're stared at for no apparent reason. It makes me so annoyed. And today was no exception.

Sitting at my favorite coffeehouse, just minding my own business and along comes someone I know to sit with me (this was during the afternoon time) and we're chatting away.

And from the corner of my eye, I can see four young Omani women dressed up like the penguins they are - he he he - just gazing my way. I don't do anything. I just keep minding my own business. Then I heard one of them whisper to the other 'Is he Omani?', 'I think he's British..'. And when we started to make jokes (me and my friend) about nationalities and in specific how my friend just keeps going abroad in order for him to run the business and how he's out of cash, he asks me if I am Omani. And I took that opportunity, lol, to say I don't want to be Omani. I didn't really mean it I just wanted to get the buzzards off my head if you know what I mean.

And that's what happened. They just stopped what they were doing altogether.

Uff. What a relief that was I tell you.