Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Where there's one door closed..

We always come to a time that we think we are being victimized by something or someone. Being oppressed to do something that we can't or doing it without comprehension.

It's like walking in the dark, figuritively.

And what wonders the human mind mostly is how to manage the problem. Does the person actually give in by running away from the apademic by saying this is it, there's no solution and sit down with both hands on his head trying to comprehend what is happened? Or do they face up to the challenge, look up, chin high, and battle it with every last breath they have, so they can tell that at least, they 'died' trying?

There's always been the saying in Arabia (not sure if it's from Hadeeth or the Qur'an), that goes; 'Where one door is closed in your face, God opens a thousand more'.

It doesn't mean you don't give in to the reality of the situation. It doesn't you give up, either. It means you do your best to what it takes, with what you have.

And everything that ends up nicely happy, always...starts with a smile.