Sunday, November 27, 2005

Miniture Beauty - Big Heart

She said she wasn't ready. She thought it was the right thing to say. Thoughts come and go. People will be the same. One life doesn't make a difference. You'll always be alone. Taking it to the limits. No one to tell you to stop or 'No'.

This is the flower I hold in my hand
I am trying to be your friend
This isn't the way it should ever start
If only you knew how it was with the beating of my heart

If only it wasn't like this. If only life was just easy as a bliss. If only you knew how you tore my heart into bits. If only you knew now what you are about to miss.

I am not who you think I am
Or try to be
I am what I can
Senses from the sea

She couldn't hear it. She was more selfish than hard of hearing. She tore it all down with one word - no whispering. This is the beginning of the end of the beginning.

This is where my life will all start. Miniture beauty and a big heart. A big smile. A big laugh. A big chest to let it all out. The sign you hold. A creative mind. There is no shame. No need to cry.

This is where I'll always be
Where I am going on from now
This path. This stream.
The Devil's fire cools down

Seeking the answer to the riddle of time;
When will I ever find you in my life?