Sunday, June 17, 2007

can't focus

I can't focus even after going to College today.

I suspected that they would tell us that our attendance would be prolonged. And I was right. They informed us that would we have to attend classes until the 5th of July.

And we only get 3 weeks off. Everyone else gets 2-3 months but not us. We have to show that we can sweat and smell like someone's dirty pants just so that they would allow us to attend the next semester come August.

And what's more they hit us with a double wammie: one test this Tuesday; and another the upcoming Saturday.

I feel like giving up already.

I can barely focus on anything let alone the fact that I have attend classes in this humid weather and suffocate like desert animals. Do I look like I have humps on my back?

I seriously need a break from all of this.

Which brings me to the issue that I found an add in H! weekly paper asking for writers and reporters to work for a salary. Only tinsy bitsy catch is that these are the same guys behind the Times of website and the hard copy edition.

Did I happen to mention that I can't focus?