Thursday, October 12, 2006

Eid's Blessings

It's amazing. Just absolutely amazing.

We're over halfway into Ramadhan already.

Would you believe it? I certainly can't. I'm amazed at the fact that it has passed by so fast - mind you, it's something we all notice everytime this month comes by every year. So it's not exactly new to the people who live through it. Even those who aren't fasting it.

And imagine, 10 days from now we could be celebrating Eid, inshallah.

That'll be the day when everyone gets together. Sits down and laugh, joke, share a few tales and ask about each other and how they've been for the time they haven't seen each other. There will be those who will have differences who will reconcile in the spirit of the moment. There'll be the joy of sharing your happiness with everyone you know and you don't know.

The children who will come on that day to ask for their money - Eiddiya - and you would gladly give them their heart's desire. The positiveness on that day will be so reflecting, you would think it's Heaven on Earth, in a manner of speaking.

There'll be the hope of having a new year full of hope, full of goals fulfilled, full of re-energized willpower and a stronger faith in God that all He has planned out for us is in our benefit if we just don't take anything for granted and live our lives to the hope that that we would live forever in everyday we live and to live everyday as if it was last day.

It's great to live life positively as if the sun will never set in your horizon..


3anooda said...
