Thursday, October 19, 2006


There's only one way to beat a down mood, in my opinion.

That's to kick it's ass.

Basically, that means for me to move on like nothing happened whatever it was that had happened. And that, although it is going to be tough on the feelings, the only way to get over it is to suck it up and be a man about the whole thing.

Sure, I'll cry a tear every now and then. And yes, I will be broken hearted just a tad bit over such a situation which only I landed myself in. But then again, who's ever heard of a perfect human being?

No one. Because there is no such person on the face of this Earth that holds such a trait.

The future will hold what it holds, and I can only attempt to live on happily even though I could be lying to myself, but it would be hell of a lot better than someone who is down, depressed, lonely, and doing nothing to change that situation yet complaining about it. Right?

I can only live every day to it's own because what I can do is limited, in a sense - my hands are tied.

I can only move on, put a smile on my face and hope to God that whatever was taken away from me this time wasn't meant to happen this time either because God has something much better in store for me.

I wish He'd just fast forward to that moment, though.


Shaykhspeara Sha'ira said...

I swear to God, it is as if I wrote it myself. I know exactly how you feel.

Thank God for faith! What else would e lean back on. Faith knowing that perhaps what welike is bad for us, and what we don't like is good for us.

Faith knowing that what's meant for us we will surely get.

And tears are there to let out those emotions that words cannot express. And that's ok.

Sleepless In Muscat said...

I can only say that it's a set of contradicting feeling that fight over whose got the right to take over me at this point in time and at present - the light side is winning...