Tuesday, October 18, 2005

the black & white cat

Someone came up to me and asked
What's the story with the black and white cat?
I told them if I did tell them, they would never understand
Nonetheless, they wanted to hear the tale from first to last

So I told them that this cat was lost
How I took it in from the winter gust
Fed it, put a home over it's head, and showed it love
They were gazing upon me, 'you would do such a thing to an animal that was lost?'

The black and white cat purred
Its skin was of black and white fur
Black witchcraft eyes, inside, beauty would surge

Pat, pat, hands would come down on it's head
Wouldn't like it, except from it's 'master', the one who took it in
Tale to be told, this was the tale of the white and black cat