Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Damn vicious cycle

Things happen to those who wait. Right?

If that's the case, then none of us would get off our behinds to move on with our lives but rather stay home lazing about what to watch, who to talk to on the phone, or what to do on the 'net.

And sometimes it does make sense.

I mean, seriously. It's been Ramadhan for what; 3 weeks now? And I haven't pulled myself out of bed in the morning to do anything except for a handful of times to do some minor errands, otherwise I have been sleeping all the way 'til it's like 2:30pm in the afternoon and then start my day.

'Cause let's face it, if you're on some sort of holiday then what is the point of getting up when there's nowhere to go and nothing to do in broad daylight. That's why I see myself going to the same place at night do the same damn thing, thinking of how I will ever live life this way in the future, should God want to prolong my age.

But then again; should He?


Sleepless In Muscat said...

jawaher, i wish ..

but i am not the worm reader type..

it is very difficult for me to find for myself a book that would grasp my attention span...

Sleepless In Muscat said...

jawaher: ok, i'm waiting...

and i am still waiting for you to email me your address so i can send you my books..


Sleepless In Muscat said...

Jawaher: inshallah; i will try ;o)