Monday, October 31, 2005

The half full/ half empty glass of water

There has always been this theory that analyzes a person's psychological nature. It reveals how a person looks towards their life and what type of personality they hold within.

Asked to look at glass half full/half empty of water, the person is then asked to reply back how they percieve it to be in their eyes.

What's the difference?

If the person were to reply back that the glass is half full of water then it shows that they look at their life from a brighter perspective and broader horizon. Thus, showing they hold a positive nature of personality.

But, however, if the person were to say that the glass is half empty, then it shows completely the contrary. That that person not only looks at their life from a negative point of view, but also they could be manifesting a serious depression which is growing within the very depths of their inner serlves. Pointing out to a fellow psyhiatrist whether this person may need help to get over whatever that it is pinning them to the floor.

How would you see a half glass of water?


Sleepless In Muscat said...

kaza: i think you misunderstood the purpose of the excercise it's just as Jawaher said..

always bare in mind that you are looking at the psychological being behind the test and not the physical nature..

jawaher: i hope so too..


Anonymous said...

Its not half full or half empty.
You don't need to struggle to figure that out because sometimes a glass of water is simply just a glass of water.