Wednesday, July 11, 2007

what have they done, really?


So, hats off to everyone who did a great amount of work that helped us overcome the calamities of the Gonu aftermath and what not. That being said, there is one matter I would like to understand.

What has Muscat Municipality really done to over this?

Apart from the obvious matter of clearing up the streets from the big dirt that lay on the ground, bringing in everyone together to set up the services back to normal (although the ROP, the military saw to that before they did).

But when Muscat Municipality said that all the roads in Muscat have been put to working order we really need to go deeper into that phrase: let's see..

You have the new Amerat road that was destroyed so what did Muscat Municipality do? They built one right next to it on the lower ground. Permanent, may I add. Al Ansab road was totally gone, they're rebuilding a new one until the other one is taken care of. Quriyat and Sur roads were damaged, still no word on them getting repaired or not.

The initial plan after Gonu was to give high priority to clearing up roads so that service vehicles can come in and do their job to get the services running all over again. That's not even finished but then you have the entire Municipality working on cleaning up VIP projects (of which, I cannot state here) because they were so needing of their services back on. While the public still waited for their fair share of what was coming to them, in case of anything.

Then finally - wait, let me laugh a bit here quitely on my own ... ok, done - you have a high-end panel that is looking into building protective damns, water sewage systems and bridges where needed after 36 years. Cool. But, guys - honestly - let's wait a few more decades. I mean, we don't need these now. Especially with winter coming up. It'll probably be as dry as this summer has been.


PS: Did I happen to mention that most of the cleaning campaigns over Muscat and other Wilayats that were hit may have been organized by their regional and capital municipalities but were, in fact, carried out by none other than the local Omani citizens and residents.


muscati said...

Muscat Municipality has the overall responsibility for Muscat. For example when it comes to roads, they are the ones totally responsible, not the ministry of transport. Every single road that got destroyed or damaged by Gonu and has already been rebuilt, that's Muscat Municipality's work. Want examples? Look at the part of the Qurum/Darseit road that was reopened less than ten days after Gonu, the part of the road in front of Al Harthy Center that was opened within less than a week, the part of the Mutrah Corniche that was washed out and opened within two weeks, the road by Royal Hospital that was cut through by the flood and was reopened in about a week or ten days, etc etc.

It's been 5 weeks since Gonu. Do you expect them to be already building new flyovers?

Sleepless In Muscat said...

Muscati, you've missed the point that I am trying to make.

They gave priority to people who weren't in need - again, don't ask me about my sources. The people who needed help only got theirs after the VIPs got their share.

As for the roads - dude - they built temporary roads on even worse conditions and they claim to have 'repaired' the roads. Thats where the contradiction lies.

muscati said...

I return to my question to you again: did you expect to have rebuilt the roads exactly as they were in one week's time? Cut the people some slack. They managed to connect all the major roads within ten days. That's an achievement. Of course the fixes were temporary. Now they go replanning, redesigning, putting out new tenders, appointing contractors, and building new roads to replace the damaged road.

As for your claims, about giving priority to VIPs, I know nothing about it. You didn't give any examples or hints, so I don't know what you are referring to.

Sleepless In Muscat said...


I cannot provide evidence about VIPs taking priority in emergency services of the Gonu aftermath because I would get into trouble for publishing such names.

But I do know of very reliable sources who have told me of such stories happening and therefore I am passing it on here as just that.

As for the roads, yes, you're right. But, consider this: had the roads been properly given a sewage system and proper raw material feeding then the amount of disaster would have decreased drastically. Both you and I know that because it is beyond contestation.